Monday, March 14, 2011

I get Down You Lift Me Up-Audio Adrenaline

My Son Has Made Me Better

My son, Hunter, is a tue gift from God. I feel like he is trying to teach me things when it should almost be the other way.
We danced to the songs, "I Can Only Imagine", and "Lifting Me Up" tongiht and we had the BEST time dancing and praising God in our living room.
I know I posted the song of "I Can Only Imiagine" before but will post the other one too. I guess I already did LOL. He knows the words to these songs. All of them, from going to church and listening to Christian music on the radio. All the songs...are rocker songs. LOL My little mini me. That's how I was. I'm so proud of him and so glad it's with Christian than the crap I listened to when I was younger.
All is good with us. Hunter goes in for his physical this Thursday for his sinus surgery next Friday. I know God is with us. I KNOW He is. No doubt. I can't even begin to explain how Hunter has helped ME with the walk with God. It took a child of God's to show me what is most important in life. Hunter has been more of a blessing for Brandon and myself than anything. He's a believer, no doubt. He's been touched by God himself I believe.
So, I had my important appointment and all is good with me. Praise the Lord!! Lots of praying and praising in this house.
If something comes in our way, we will tear it down with the power of God. He is the almighty one, and we are not afraid of anything, because we have HIM!!
All's good though. We pray for our family and friends and hope all is well. Love evryone.
If there's anything that I've learned from my kids (and yes usually it's the other way around, but you'd be surprised) it's live life every day as if it's your last. Trust God, believe and have faith. Turn it all to HIM.

Love my Lord and Savior, my family and my friends.

I get Down You Lift Me Up-Audio Adrenaline